Monday, May 19, 2008

Featured Penguin of th Month (PFM)

since 87/100% of you voted in my poll that i should have a featured penguin of the month. This is how im gonna do it: first if you want to enter leave a comment with your penguin's name on this post, after that has happened [to be fair] i will put the penguin's name on a poll and have the audience decide you can only vote once,Next when the time is up i will send the winning penguin an email or pm interviewing him/her for basic stuff like: penguin's name, penguin's age, if u r a member etc, and send in the best pic of ur penguin! Finally when that person sends me back the e-mail i will post the pic with the description on the side lines and i will have it posted there until the end of the month for every one to look at ok? Im gonna start now so leave ur' penguin's name on this post so we can have a featured penguin for june!!


Musicboy8 said...

Musicboy8 is penguin name...

how am i supposed to email you a pix. if i dont know your email? just a thought...


jaruna said...

when i email you, then reply to me u should be sending that stuff to the sender so just send me ur penguin's pic with the answrs to the q's.

Pengineeta =D said...


Musicboy8 said...

so you are going to say who won and then we give you our email?


jaruna said...

yeah so i can email you