If there's something u want to ask or submit like a poem,joke, riddle, or a question send me an email at jaruna96@gmail.com and if it is something that i know other people will b looking for it, i will, or also if u want me to post the answer.
As i was walking my way into the puffle shop to buy i knew one, i noticed that there were 2 black puffles [sorry i can't get a pic for this one] one is on top of the stand and the other one you can't really see the face but is hiding below the other puffle. Was it a mistake? Was it done on purpose? Is it real? No one knows....
Also as i was scannig the catalog i came upon thi weird thing: I saw a brown house. But there is no brown puffle [yet], does that mean a new addition is coming or is it just a decoration? Everything on that page is practically brown, [at the end of the page is pink so i might be wrong] We may have encountered ourselves with a diminutive sing of a new race of puffles, we may have not.
have you noticed the background music at the coffee shop? well look what it says here! does that mean G created the background music, if he did did he do it for all the rooms?
Before i dind't have much time to post things but now i have lots more of free time so this site is gonna get awsome!!! But maybe i will slow down again when school starts in august cuz i'm taking all advance and GEMs but until then this site is gonna rock!!! So get ready.
If you See on the side there's a huge banner about copyscape, that just basically means if u copy anythig form my blog i will find out and could have ur site shut down. Not that anyone is doing it, just a warnig that i hope i wont have to rely on =].
remember what i told you about the ratemypenguin being on wsngallery2 well now if you go on it see what it says: I'm sorry, but we've closed RateMyPenuin.com. It was a fun website but the software was not working very well lately and we could not fix it. Please visit Clubpenguingang.com and leave a comment if you would like to see me put together a better Rate My Penguin site. Thanks and sorry, Mimo777 Let's leave a comment on his site maybe it will come back [and even better!]. Thanks Pengineeta...
If you go into the lighthouse there would be a table and there would be a wizard hat! It's a free item, but it looks familiar i think it was from the halloween party 2 years ago. Buts why did they birng it back, I'm concerned about that, the cp people are bringing back too many items, Or maybe its the disney poeple. No offense but disney is starting to take over stuff i mean they have parks,shows, internet, and they bought cp for like 3 grand, why Disney Why!?
I found rmp but now the url instead of being www.ratemypenguin.com it's now : http://holdinghopeforfamilies.com/wsngallery2/ but it still looks kinda different. And there's no new pics, plus it's being run back by holding hope for families which was the original owner and according to what i heard mimo made a site from it but anyway we could still go on rmp!!!
As some of you may know, in Mimo777's webpage there was a link called Rate My Penguin where you u PM poeple and send pics about ur penguins, that's were i met most of my friends. But now the link has dissapeared!! Do you know what happen to it?
since 87/100% of you voted in my poll that i should have a featured penguin of the month. This is how im gonna do it: first if you want to enter leave a comment with your penguin's name on this post, after that has happened [to be fair] i will put the penguin's name on a poll and have the audience decide you can only vote once,Next when the time is up i will send the winning penguin an email or pm interviewing him/her for basic stuff like: penguin's name, penguin's age, if u r a member etc, and send in the best pic of ur penguin! Finally when that person sends me back the e-mail i will post the pic with the description on the side lines and i will have it posted there until the end of the month for every one to look at ok? Im gonna start now so leave ur' penguin's name on this post so we can have a featured penguin for june!!
PARTY From may16 - 21 there's gonna be a mid evil party! the free item is a squire tunic and can be found in the dock, ins't this one of the coolest parties?
in Rockhopper's in the captai's quaters have a game called treasure hunt. The game consist on digging all the gems, and coin you can find. But this game is a different multiplayer game, instead of competing to see who wins, u work together to dig out as much coins/gems as u can!
1. Penguin name: Kk Dude2 [gothdude2 got banned forever] 2. Penguin age: 1 day as of August 5th [its my new penguin] 3. Member : __yes ___no if yes since when? NO 4. Website: __yes__no if so what is it? Well I work in Pengineeta's site www.pengineeta.blogspot.com 5. Favorite item to wear: Umm well the music jam shirt I guess, because i only have that since my penguin is new 6. Favorite background: I like the Red backround that has piano keys on it 7. Favorite pin: The record pin 8. Favorite club penguin party: IDK 9. Penguin gender: __boy __ girl BOY 10. Do you have more than one penguin? If so how many: I have 2
Advice column!
As u guys may have noticed i have very little time to post and school hasn't even started yet! So Spoil Pink offered to help me with the advice column, so if u have any q's about anything in cp that u need help on e-mail her at gamegirltaylor@gmail.com And she will either email the answer to you or post it on my site which ever one is best for your convinience!
Featured Penguin of the Month #2 info
Penguin name: Musicboy8. Penguin age: 487 days as of July 2. Member status: Became one in March 2008 Website:http://www.freewebs.com/deathblack2008. Favorite item to wear: Blue hula necklace. Favorite background: Sunset on beach. Favorite pin: Surfboard. Favorite party: Underwater party. Penguin gender:Boy Penguins:8
i have light brown hair, brown eyes,umm i love to read, i like to goof around with my friends after school but they get annoying sometimes and i love school!! ppl may find that weird~ my fave subject is math. If you have any q's about my site or would like to have some kind of job e-mail me at jaruna96@gmail.com